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Q & A with Scarlet Paolicchi of Family Focus Blog


Over the past few years, we’ve been fortunate to work with a number of great bloggers who have helped us promote our products by providing thorough and honest reviews on everything from air conditioners to ice makers to wine coolers. For us, the best part about this has been the chance to discover the wonderful blogs that are out there, and getting to know the people behind them. As a way of saying thank you, we’re happy to present this occasional series which will give you the chance to know these bloggers too.

FamilyFocusBlogCarousel Scarlet Paolicchi is a Nashville mom who has been writing the Family Focus Blog since 2009. We asked her to tell us a little bit about herself, her family, her blog, and how she keeps it all together.

How do you describe yourself?

I am a stay-at-home mom blogger who blogs about all things family related.

How big is your family?

There are 6 of us — my husband, myself, my 8-year-old daughter, my 6-year-old son, my orange tabby cat, and my German shepherd.

What’s a usual day like around your place?

I get up and help the kiddos dress and make lunches. Then I blog while they are at school. I pick up the kids and we play at the park. Next we do homework, music lessons, and dinner prep followed by our family meal, relax time with the kids in the form of TV, games, or reading, and then off to bed go the kids. My husband and I get a little alone time and then we go to bed and do it all over again.

What are the biggest challenges you face keeping your home and family running on a day-to-day basis?

Having a list. I always have a list and I always know what I need to have done by when. I also look at my list the night before to make sure I know what I need to focus on the next day and what needs to be done in what order.

What is your number one tactic for making sure you get through the day?

The biggest challenge is knowing my boundaries and keeping them. I try to get all my blog work done while the kids are at school but that doesn’t always happen. I have to be good at prioritizing so that I can just let the extra stuff wait when it is time to go get my kids. I have to be able to switch my focus to my husband and kids and stop thinking about my blogging. I try to do my very best at everything I do which means I have to be able to let go of everything else and be in the moment.

Do you keep your to-do list on paper or with a computer program or app? Do you start a new list each day, or weekly, or monthly?

I keep my to-do list on paper. I have a pad of paper and I write in pencil and I erase when I complete it. One sheet of paper can last me a long time since I erase and add as things get done and come up. Scarlet of Family Focus Blog, with her family

How do you prioritize tasks, and how good are you at keeping on track? For example, what do you do when “must dos” keep you from doing those “want to do” tasks?

I prioritize by thinking, “What must I do today?” Then I do that first. When that is done, I think what must get done soon because it is important but it has no deadline since it is for me? I do that next. Want to do tasks are those that I slip in at random times when I have the opportunity. I always start my day with a quick overview of my to-do list and what I will do in what order. I end my day by thinking what will be on top of the next day’s to do list.

If you could cross one thing off your to-do list forever, what would it be?

Nothing really. I enjoy doing the things I do for my blog. I have fun on the social media outlets. I love blogging. I also love interacting with the emails that come in (even though I sometimes find it overwhelming to get through them all!).

What would be on your to-do list for today, if you weren’t a blogger?

Get outside and talk a walk. Wait, I think I will go do that right now.

What’s your favorite room in the house?

My favorite room. Tough choice. By décor, it is our living room because it is where I put most of my focus on furniture, paint colors and art. We also spend a lot of family time there. But I also loving our dining room because I love our family meals. I love my bedroom because of the view to the outdoors. As you can tell, I have never been good at picking favorites!

If money wasn’t an issue, what’s one thing you would buy for your home, and why?

If money wasn’t an issue, I would love to have our basement finished out with all the latest eco-friendly bells and whistles!

What’s your dream vacation (with or without kids in tow!)?

I would love a dream vacation to Hawaii without kids in tow. Even though, I would hate for them to miss out, I would love to have some alone time with my husband!

Which blogs do you read regularly that you find are the most helpful to you personally?

I really like a Nut In A NutShell, Blonde Mom Blog, and The Eco-friendly Family. The first two for the family focus and last for the eco tips!

Here are some of Scarlet’s favorite posts from Family Focus Blog – click on over and find more great reading! And check out Scarlet’s review of the NewAir AIC-220 Ice Cream Maker while you’re there.


The post Q & A with Scarlet Paolicchi of Family Focus Blog appeared first on NewAir.com Blog.

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